Let's say I got this awesome
frame at a yard sale for $1!
I needed a mirror that would fit it: 12 X 16"
The glass place I called said a mirror that size would cost $16...
DI thriftstore for $3!
Worth a try.
so, I used a piece of heavy cardboard to lift the mirror
to the height that tile would normally be.
to pop the mirror along my score line.
Doesn't take much pressure...easy does it!

Pretty great cut!
Onto the next side!
Did I mention, I'm barefoot...no gloves,

Pretty great cut!
Onto the next side!
Did I mention, I'm barefoot...no gloves,
eye protection...nothing!
don't do that at home!

On the other cut, the scoring worked, but didn't pop it all off...
Never fear...
Pliers are here.

slid my mirror to the edge of the table and just

On the other cut, the scoring worked, but didn't pop it all off...

Never fear...
Pliers are here.

slid my mirror to the edge of the table and just
used the pliers to nip off the extra edge.
since it will be behind the frame...
just don't cut yourself!
I think I am going to acid etch this mirror first though...
The mirror I used for Mirror #2 on Tuesday I cut myself...
The mirror I used for Mirror #2 on Tuesday I cut myself...
Hope this was insightful...
even just into my cheapness and thoughtlessness.
Come back tomorrow for more mirrors!
Link up your wall-hanging related projects Here!

Come back tomorrow for more mirrors!
Link up your wall-hanging related projects Here!