I saw pins and blogs about cooking eggs in the oven...
But, there weren't a lot of pictures...
so I tried it.
We put 24 eggs into a mini cupcake pan.
Baked at 350* for 30 minutes.
I removed them to see brown speckled eggs!
6 of mine cracked...good thing for the pan.
I stored the remaining 18 in the fridge.
I peeled these 6 when they were cool to the touch...
about 20 minutes later.
They were hard to peel. In all fairness the 18 we refrigerated
were much easier to peel over the next few days.
If you are going for "pretty" this is not the way to go.
The eggs ended up with brown spots on them as well.
They tasted good though...I will stick to boiling them though.