I love DOCTOR WHO...
here's my pinterest page to prove it!
Since season 7 starts on August 27th,
I decided to make this week
Doctor Who Geek Week!
Featuring different projects and the
geeky nerdiness that is Dr Who.

I rummaged through all our lego collection...which is vast.
I replicated Doctor #11 {Matt Smith} because I had the bow tie!
Bow ties are cool!
Although we don't have any girl mini figs (except Princess Leia)...
so we couldn't make any companion for him...
that will NEED to be remedied in the future.
We did find some Police labels...
and my husband quickly put the tardis together for me!
It's not to "scale" but it is bigger on the inside!

Here's the impossible astronaut!

Travel back to this time and space tomorrow for a geekified tutorial!
Linking up to THESE parties this week!

and my husband quickly put the tardis together for me!
It's not to "scale" but it is bigger on the inside!

Here's the impossible astronaut!

Travel back to this time and space tomorrow for a geekified tutorial!
Linking up to THESE parties this week!