There was about 4 years in a row that my husband
made me a treasure box for Christmas.
I now have some pretty amazing treasure chest!
This was the first one.
All rounded top. Stained walnut. Cool.
It got damage by kids playing with it and not
respecting the hinges...and maybe because the hinges
were just screwed into the pine. Needless to say, it needed repair!
The bottom board was cracked horizontally all the way across.
I removed the lid from the hinges and popped off the broken board.
We cut a new piece to fit...and this time, bolted the lid on after piloting holes.
It was beat up. Carved into...hammered...written on.I wanted to keep the natural distressing...and even things out.
I sanded the whole thing a bit...hammered a few new places
and restained it in walnut! Easy and awesome!

Linking up to THESE parties this week!