Ahh yes! It's done!
And you read that right...it was FREE!
This has taken me so long, but I love how it turned out!
The perfect photo prop vintage queen throne!

Here's how it began.
We drove to a nearby hiking trail as a family.
After jogging 5 miles we returned home...to see this
chair tossed out on the curb a few houses down.

Well, it was missing a bolt that holds the leg on...and the
middle cross bar was detached...but there!
We snagged it fast!
I found a tag under the chair, and googled it...here's what I found:

Yeah, $488 for 2 arm chairs...that makes this guy worth: $244...Free.
I thought I would sand it down and stain it black.
Ya, bad idea. I just wouldn't be able to sand off all the
existing stain to make it look good.

See that patchiness?

Okay, that's bad. bad. At this point, I gave up.

It sat as a fail for a while.
Then I got brave again and decided to just paint the darn thing...
so I removed all cushions and about 8 million staples!
Ahh, so many staples--someone was probably paid on commission!

Okay, then I painted it AQUA.!
(sidenote: yes, my husband is sick of aqua. I am not)

To make all the intricate carvings pop, I glazed it with some charcoal.

Much better!

The carvings were so cool and ornate, I didn't want to just paint it black.
I wanted them to show.

Alas, much better.
She sat like this all summer. It was just too hot to do anything!

I got brave again and did the upholstery.
Cut fabric about 4 inches wider than the backboard.
I had 2 backboard pieces, since the chair shows through the backside.
First one with the padding.

I used hot glue and wrapped the fabric around the backboard tightly.

Holding it until the glue set.

Fold the corners to avoid unnecessary wrinkled corners

Like so.

Around the top curvy edge...lots of glue

A tight snug pull...


The other backboard piece I did, it was
much easier because it is not padded.

Then the seat.
I started using my staple tacker...but the staples were too long,
so I pulled out the hand staple gun.

Until it was all tucked and pulled! I am quite the plastic surgeon!

Now for attaching said pieces to the chair.
I started with the seat. 4 screws easily reattach the seat base. Easy.
Then the backboard.
I took the unpadded board that I covered and stapled in place.
The tricky part was attaching the padded backboard to that piece!

I ended up just scooching the fabric and padding to the side and stapling
through the board into the other backboard and chair...
does that even make sense?
Anyways, it cause some puckering...so I just went with it and made
it symmetrical.

I found a piece of scrap piping I had laying around
and hot glued it in the crevice between the padded backboard and the wood chair frame.

Done! Give it a damask black and white pillow, and she is set!

The perfect photo prop chair for little girl photo shoots!

That's one thing checked OFF my Yard Sale List!

and it was FREE!

Linking up to THESE parties this week!
Love it :)
Warmly, Michelle