I've seen some recipes for Rock Candy before...but never with any pictures!!!
Isn't that the FIRST thing you look for?
Well, here's a tutorial for Rock Candy with fabulous pictures!
3 Cups Granulated Sugar
1 Cup water
Flavor (optional)
(I used Cherry)
In a medium sized saucepan,
bring the sugar and water to a boil to dissolve all sugar.
You don't need to rapid boil at all...for any amount of time.
Just dissolve the sugar.
It makes a super thick syrup!
Add the flavoring...
Prepare your jars and sticks
I used mason jars...pint size.
In looking back, I would use the tallest and thinnest glass I have.
I used wooden skewers and clothespins.
The clothespins keep the sticks centered and not touching the bottom of the glass.
Critical in rock candy crystal structures!
You'll take your sticks and lightly wet them. Then roll them in sugar.
Allow them to "dry". The sugar gives the syrup something to
stick to and get the crystals growing faster.

Now for color!

I wanted to do all of them different colors, without
having to make separate batches of syrup.
So I added 1 drop of food coloring to the bottom of the jar.

Then I poured in my syrup.
(let the syrup cool to room temperature. If not, your sugar on the sticks will dissolve)
Add your sticks and wait patiently!
We just set them on the counter and didn't have any
problem with bugs or anything weird.

About a week later!
You can see the crystal structures forming.
They also attach themselves to the inside of your jar.
No biggy.

We let ours grow for about 2 weeks.
Then pulled out the stick
And had a darling little sugar crystal sucker!
My kids absolutely LOVED to see the blocky crystals.
What to do with the remaining crystals in the jar?
Easy, it's pure sugar right?
I poured out all the excess syrup and let the jar drain upside
down in a bowl for about 5 minutes.
Then, I used a fat butter knife and chipped out all the crystals I could.
Equally as impressive, just as tasty, and a fun mix of colors!
It's crystally and small, like pop rocks...just no pop!
Gorgeous right?
Well, if I haven't convinced you to make some yourself...I guess I never will!
Maybe a fun science project for the summer time!
Isn't that the FIRST thing you look for?
Well, here's a tutorial for Rock Candy with fabulous pictures!
3 Cups Granulated Sugar
1 Cup water
Flavor (optional)
(I used Cherry)
In a medium sized saucepan,
bring the sugar and water to a boil to dissolve all sugar.
You don't need to rapid boil at all...for any amount of time.
Just dissolve the sugar.
It makes a super thick syrup!
Add the flavoring...
Prepare your jars and sticks
I used mason jars...pint size.
In looking back, I would use the tallest and thinnest glass I have.
I used wooden skewers and clothespins.
The clothespins keep the sticks centered and not touching the bottom of the glass.
Critical in rock candy crystal structures!
You'll take your sticks and lightly wet them. Then roll them in sugar.
Allow them to "dry". The sugar gives the syrup something to
stick to and get the crystals growing faster.
Now for color!
I wanted to do all of them different colors, without
having to make separate batches of syrup.
So I added 1 drop of food coloring to the bottom of the jar.
Then I poured in my syrup.
(let the syrup cool to room temperature. If not, your sugar on the sticks will dissolve)
Add your sticks and wait patiently!
We just set them on the counter and didn't have any
problem with bugs or anything weird.
About a week later!
You can see the crystal structures forming.
They also attach themselves to the inside of your jar.
No biggy.
We let ours grow for about 2 weeks.
Then pulled out the stick
And had a darling little sugar crystal sucker!
My kids absolutely LOVED to see the blocky crystals.
What to do with the remaining crystals in the jar?
Easy, it's pure sugar right?
I poured out all the excess syrup and let the jar drain upside
down in a bowl for about 5 minutes.
Then, I used a fat butter knife and chipped out all the crystals I could.
Equally as impressive, just as tasty, and a fun mix of colors!
It's crystally and small, like pop rocks...just no pop!
Gorgeous right?
Well, if I haven't convinced you to make some yourself...I guess I never will!
Maybe a fun science project for the summer time!
Linking up to THESE parties this week!