I had a large cake dome...but my stand for it is long broken.
I'm too cheap to buy a new one...so it basically has been out of service for a year.
Until I found this beauty at a yard sale for $1.
Isn't that the biggest, chunkiest, most perfectly cake stand
shaped candlestick holder you've ever seen?
Okay, it was to me! I was worried I would drop it into a
billion pieces walking back to my car.
I've nearly never been so thrilled about a yard sale score!
So on my next trip to the mart I bought this giant $5 glass serving plate.
It's big. I put a little ribbon of E6000 around the candlestick...
And carefully placed it on the center of the underside of the plate.
Let it dry overnight.
Perfecto! The dome cover fits perfectly!

It even plays nicely with other friends!
Plays well with Brownies too!

Linking up to THESE parties this week!