My favorite Yard Sale Nightstands.
Left one cost $2...Right one $5.
I love these.
They have survived all the moving around...
They looked great with my gallery wall here:
And on either side of the bed where we live now...with the addition of things like curtains and electric blankets.
Here's how they began their life...
fresh home from the yard sale they were cheaply pawned off on me.

I quickly painted them aqua.
Rust-Oleum ultra-cover is my favorite.
While my hubby was on deployment,
I decided to update them and paint them Valspar Gloss Exotic Sea.
The color is radiant and wonderful.
The finish was not so great, as they have already begun to chip off.
(note to self)
This guy was one of my most memorable yard sale buys.
I asked the man of the home how much the nightstand was.
He said "we were asking $10".
I said "would you take $2?"
He said "Yes, and I will carry it to your car!"
No doubt, he did not want to haul it back in the
house or take it to a donation center. I love that about yard sales!

Same thing, painted aqua.
And updated.
I changed out the knobs too. I love these ones...I found them on a dresser
on the side of the road. The dresser was totally water damaged and unusable...
but I just needed the handles.
This one resides on my hubby's side of the bed...and he's been home for a month now...
and it's already pretty dinged up and chipped. Darn paint. :(
I plan on going over them again when the weather gets warm again.
Until then, they are exotic sea and stunning!
This post published on Doodlecraft first