General Conference Bingo Cards!
There's 8 different layouts, so the family will get BINGO at different times!
There's 8 different layouts, so the family will get BINGO at different times!
You'll know there is a World wide broadcast twice a year.
Called General Conference.
It's held for 4 sets of 2 hour sessions...2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday
(with a priesthood session on Saturday night as well)
It will be held April 4th and 5th 2015
We watch it live streamed
We love Conference and are commonly doing crafts while we listen.
My kids enjoy doing Conference I made up 8 varieties.
Print them off...laminate them if you want!
If you laminate, you can use dry erase markers to mark what's been said!
Give each child one...and some candy, buttons,
or some other kind of place-marker.
Then as the speakers say the key words the kids can mark them off!
My kids love to go for black out!
We like to buy candy like m&m's or smarties as the markers...
but for older kids,
I have them put one candy on each square and when they
hear the word, they can eat that treat!
Free printables, right click to save off...8 varieties!
Personal use only please.

Great for Conference packets or to pass out in Primary!

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