49 Star Wars Craft Round up!
I love Star Wars! Are you a Star Wars fan? Here's a bunch of party ideas, kids crafts, t-shirts, fashions, goodies and more--all geared to get you excited for May 4th and the new Han Solo Movie coming out May 25th. May the force be with you.Last Jedi Party
Princess Leia Buns

I love you. I know. Silhouette

Lightsaber Pens

Ice Pop Sabers
R2D2 and C3PO Shoes
BB8 Raglan Shirt
These are the droids you're looking for!
Galaxy Cake
Star Wars Party!
Here's the entire collection of my Star Wars Geekery crafts!
Porg | Craft Wars | BB8 | Lightsabers |
Kyber Crystal | Galaxy | Pillow cases | Rebels |
R2D2 & BB8 | BB8 Cake | Troops | Backdrop |
Gold | BB8 Shirt | BB8 Tote | Party |
BB8 Bow | BB8 Studs | BB8 Plant | Trooper |
Star Wars | Force | Leia Buns | Queen Amidala |
Nerf Herder | Binary | Shabby Bow | BB8 |
R2D2 Bow | C3PO R2D2 | R2D2 Shirt | Lego Earrings |
Leia Necklace | Lightsaber Pens | Star Wars Love | Reverse Sign |
Bounty Hunter | Star Wars Party | Bean Bag Toss | Lightsabers |
Lightsaber pops | Boba Fett | Robes | Costumes |

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