Nintendo Controllers Let's Play Iron-On Vinyl Shirt!

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6:00 AM
Products in post received from Nintendo and Cricut
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 Nintendo Controllers Let's Play Iron-On Vinyl Shirt!
I love Nintendo.  Back in 1989 my family got an original Nintendo...and guess what?  It still works.  During the mid 1990's when everyone was getting rid of their Nintendo's, my dad bought every single one he could find at thrift stores, all the games too.  Seriously, he ended up with a stack of 9 or 10, and over 100 games.  He gave us one for a wedding gift and we played Nintendo until the console broke...and then we returned it to his stack.  So this year I asked my dad for another original Nintendo, so my kids to play some old school games that I remember.  I love Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda, obviously...but also Mickey Mousecapade and T&C Surf...Contra was another big fave.  What old school games did you love?
Last week I was able to attend a Nintendo Blogger event in Salt Lake City, UT with my whole family.  It was so fun, there was amazing food and games...and the reveal of the newest handheld device, the 2DSXL.
I made everyone in the family a shirt to wear to the event (except my husband who already had one)...of course, Nintendo related!

Photo credit: Melinda Jae Photography
Here's how to make mine, that's me with the Nintendo controller shirt in black and white!
I received supplies from Cricut and Nintendo for this post.  Affiliate links included.
You will need:
Cricut Maker or Cricut Explore Airâ„¢ 2 machine
Iron on Vinyl in black
White and Black Raglan Shirt
Cricut EasyPress
Cricut EasyPress Mat
Let's get started!
Upload the image at the end of this post into Cricut Design Spaceâ„¢ and reverse the image to cut iron-on vinyl.  Place your iron-on on the mat with the plastic side down.  Then cut the image.  Remove from mat, trim around the cut image.  Weed out the excess vinyl.
Place the shirt on the EasyPress Mat.
Heat up the EasyPress according to vinyl instructions, 305* for Iron-on Lite.
Place the EasyPress on the shirt to heat it up, then place the weeded vinyl on the shirt in the desired spot.

Place the Easy Press on the vinyl and heat for 30 seconds.  Repeat as necessary to get the entire image.  Turn shirt over and heat up the backside for 5-10 seconds.
Let the vinyl cool down completely and then remove the plastic covering by peeling it back over itself.
Now the shirt looks incredible and is ready to wear!  Makes a great gift for a fellow Nintendo fan too!
It was super fun to wear to the Nintendo party!
At the Nintendo event, I received a bag of goodies!  The New Nintendo 2DSXL in turquoise! (Also available in White and Orange)  As well as 2 awesome games, my kids love all Zelda games...I've trained them well.  Nintendo novelty toys and $20 for the Nintendo eShop.   My oldest son was talking to me about this 2DS XL and thought it's a great way to have a game console as a student.  It's a great price point and a fun little distraction.
So make your own Nintendo Gaming Controller shirt with this simple PNG, right click to save off.  Personal use only.
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What is your favorite video game?  I'd love to hear in the comments!

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