Polaroid Snaptouch Camera received for post. Affiliate links included. 
Fabric Covered Cork-Board Craft with Polaroid Snaptouch Camera!My daughter is 14 and needed to upgrade her youthful bedroom into something much more age appropriate. She boxed up her old toys, very triggering after watching Toy Story. We painted and bought new bedding...as well as building a bigger bed frame and a full desk. As part of her office space, she requested a cork board.
No cork board is complete without adorable photo's on it. She got this Snaptouch Polaroid camera and invited her friends over for a photo shoot! Check out more information at MeetPolaroid.com
It's easy to use, like a digital camera. Has a flash and everything.
Polaroid Snaptouch Camera
The beauty is that it prints out without ink, because of the special ZINK paper. You navigate the user-friendly menu and select the pictures you want to print out. It's nice that a bad picture doesn't automatically print like the Polaroids of the olden days.
Select the print button and within minutes, a perfect photo appears! Pardon my dark photo, it was getting late when I took this.
Let's make the cork board now!
You will need:
Spray adhesive
Hot Glue/Gun
We got an old frame and removed the glass and backing. Then painted the frame pink.
We picked fabric that would match her room and had a roll of cork in the closet.
Cut the cork to match the size of the backing cardboard for the frame. Use adhesive spray to adhere the cork to the cardboard, then staple the edges.
Place the fabric face down on the table and place the cork board on top. Then hot glue and fold over the fabric edges to the backside of the cardboard.
Then fit the fabric covered cork board back inside the frame.
We put some of the printed Polaroids on cardstock and cut them apart.
Then hang the cork-board and pin in the Polaroid photos! Perfect addition to a teenager office space. Come back tomorrow for the full reveal.
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