Products in post received from Nintendo
Nintendo Konami Code Father's Day Card FREE PRINTABLE!I've been spotlighting Nintendo all week here at Doodlecraft because of the fun event we attended, but mostly because I love Nintendo! I've been a huge Nintendo fan since 1989, when we got a Classic Nintendo for Christmas. The day I discovered the Konami Code was the best. It's like the code that unlocks the mysteries of the universe. I received fabulous product from Nintendo used in this post.
I owe it all to my dad. My dad is a Nintendo Ninja. He was a code hacker for games we played. We'd give him a few codes as we beat certain levels and he'd break the code and give us "cheat codes" for everything we wanted in the game. Starting level 1 with all the weapons you can acquire through the game is pretty cool as a kid! This is a great printable for Father's day to remind dad (or other loved one) that they are the reason you learned so many important things. Righty-Tighty Lefty-Loosy is another great one. Thanks dad!
Download the image at the end of the post, it will immediately download in a zip folder. Just unzip and print! Cut to size. I cut out one of the images and mounted it on a standard A2 card in RED cardstock...the other I cut and folded into an A2 size. Perfection either way.
To make the card even more amazing, use Glossy Accents (my affiliate link)
and fill the buttons and the + navigator button with the clear gel. Let it dry overnight and presto--they feel like real, shiny buttons!
They are awesome and can go through the mail with a single stamp. Perfect for the Nintendo guru in your life!
Click here for the Father's Day Card Download
Check out more information on the live Nintendo event we went to and the new 2DSXL on this post!

This post published on Doodlecraft first