This post is provided by Happy Crafters
I love getting Christmas projects tackled well ahead of schedule...then I can just relax and enjoy December without feeling bombarded by ideas of things to do. Get a head-start on Christmas by celebrating Yuletide by making fun shirts! These are great to pair with flannel pants for Christmas pajamas...they are perfect for over-decorating and making Ugly Christmas attire...they are adorable to just wear during December as you enjoy the season. Best part? They take under 5 minutes.Seriously, under 5 minutes. I'll let you in on a little secret...
Happy Crafters is the key player in this project. They have what you need to remove all the tedious time and guess work. Perfection. You could even whip these up during December...but why wait!?

You will need:
Iron on Transfers
(They have a dozen Christmas transfer designs, I used the Narwhal and Food Groups)
(I love District Made Shirts)
Iron or Cricut EasyPress
The transfers are ready to just iron on to your shirt. Set your shirt on the Easypress mat or ironing board. Warm up the shirt with the iron, then place the transfer right on the shirt, paper side up.
Heat the image at 305* for 30 seconds. Repeat as necessary for the other side of the image.
Let it cool completely, then peel back the paper by rolling it over itself.
Adorable! Looks like a screen printed shirt from the store! Now, make some flannel pj pants!
Or add the transfer to a hoodie! Perfect for cold Winter nights. Same process, place the transfer on the hoodie, Place the EasyPress on the paper at 305* for 30 seconds.
Let it cool completely...and peel back the paper.
Oh no! The paper stuck on the transfer a little bit, but just add some water and the paper will come off easily.
Perfection! So excited about this hooded sweatshirt--in 5 minutes! It's super high quality and sealed tight!
Perfect way to get started on Christmas--plus, let's be real--by the time Christmas rolls around, the money is gone and if you have the money, the products are sold out. Get started today--$3 for a transfer and not much more for a shirt! Total bargain!
Do you make Christmas pajamas for your family? I did one year, just flannel pants...then not again. I love the movie Elf, I watch it (well, listen to it while I am crafting, sewing or baking) on repeat during December. I am in love with this Narwhal transfer!
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