Rex Dangervest Button Pin Flair DIY: Lego Movie 2
The Lego Movie 2 is out today! I can't wait to see it...but I usually wait until Tuesday to get a cheaper movie ticket...haha. This is the perfect pin to wear to the movies, and every day after, to show how much you love Rex Dangervest and the Lego Movie! Lego is my favorite toy ever...and I loved the first Lego I can't wait to see number 2.Rex Dangervest, also played by Chris Pratt so you are bound to adore him!
He has this cool R patch on his suit, so making a flair badge is the perfect Lego inspired craft.
And check out this adorable Lego set:
You will need:
Badge-a-Minit 1 1/4" Hand PressImage printed to 1 inch size on lightweight copy paper
Right click to save image. Personal use only.

The Badge-a-Minit is awesome. I paid for this myself, nothing was gifted to me. I love it and have used this for years for various projects. High quality and worth the money. The package above comes with everything you need to make 100 pins.
Place the blue ring on the table.Put the shiny silver button cover in the blue ring.
Place the cut out image in the blue ring.
Cover the image with the thin clear mylar sheet.
Snap the yellow ring on top of the image.
Then turn over the apparatus and put the silver cylinder inside the device with the ridge showing.
Click the green piece on the silver ridge.
Then press the green button down hard with the palm of the hand. Press down firmly so it clicks down in one motion.
Remove the green and silver pieces and turn the apparatus over again.
Then place the red cylinder right on top of the button image.
Again, press down firmly with the palm of the hand.
Leave the red cylinder inside the device.
Check to see where the top of the image is, then place the backside of the button piece inside the backside of the device so it is right side up.
Cover the pinback side with the green cylinder.
So it makes a delightful little sandwich.
Fit the apparatus into the press and squeeze down firmly.
Then release the press and remove all the pieces to reveal a perfect button badge!
The perfect way to show your love for Rex Dangervest! Totally Geek Chic!
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Check out these other fun Badge-a-Minit posts:
Holiday Emojis

This post published on Doodlecraft first