Upcycled Craft: 2-Liter Bottle Terrarium Cloche DIY
Upcycled crafts are the best! Can you believe that this adorable cookie cloche or terrarium cloche is made from a recycled 2-liter soda bottle? It's perfect for keeping cookies fresh or plants warm! Plus it's an eco-friendly and economical craft!Plant seeds in a terracotta pot and cover with this cloche to keep it warm as they sprout. The perfect Earth Day Craft! Or cover a giant stack of cookies for a party! Best part, it just takes a few minutes!
Supplies Needed:
2-Liter Plastic Soda Bottle
Razor Knife/Scissors
Polly Plastics Moldable Pellets
Begin with the perfect 2-liter bottle. This is Shasta brand...but pick a bottle with straight sides and clear plastic.
Clean off the label glue with goo-gone or similar dissolvent. Use a little bit of nail polish remover on a cotton swab to remove the date stamp.
Then use the razor knife to cut off the very bottom of the bottle.
It's hard to keep a straight line while cutting, so go slow and trim off the very base.
There is a natural line around the bottom of the bottle, about 1/2 inch up from where I cut. Use the scissors to trim exactly around that line. That will keep the base smooth and even.
Clean out the inside of the bottle with warm soapy water and dry completely. Find a tea saucer or small plate to set the bottle on. It's pretty cute--right!? Let's take it one step further!
Heat up a cup of water in a glass container in the microwave until very hot...boiling. Then pour in some of the Polly Plastic Moldable Pellets. These babies are amazing! They are white when dry...but will turn jelly like and clear when in hot-hot water. They look like fish eggs.
Use a spoon to fish out all the pellets when they are clear. They will not stick to the glass or the spoon. This moldable plastic is REALLY amazing! Roll it in your hand...be careful, it's pretty warm.
Once all the pellets are combined to each other, roll it into a ball and squish it on the top of the soda bottle. Use your hands to mold the plastic into a ball shape. The plastic cools pretty quick, but there's still about 10 minutes of moldable time.
Don't worry too much about air bubbles caught in the ball. The pellets will dry completely white again.
Smooth, white and round--Perfect top for this cloche! I kept mine white to match my chosen plate.
Get creative and paint the top, add sparkles or gold leaf! Or--get this package and use the colored pellets to dye the moldable plastic!
Cute right!? Now fill with delicious cookies, add a planter with some seeds, or succulents ready to go!
It's so fun to take something that's on it's way out and upcycle it into something better!
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Check out these other fun 2-liter bottle crafts:
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Soda Bottle Pen Case with Zipper

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