20 Easter Spring Craft DIY Ideas
Spring time is my most favorite time to craft. I love when we switch to Daylight Savings and we get daylight until 9 PM. I love the bright colors, fruit trees in bloom, bulbs pushing through the ground, and the brightly colored crafts. As you are preparing for Easter or just Spring, here are 20 awesome crafts and DIY's perfect for the season!Floral Painted Shoes
Tropical Serving Tray
Star Wars Painted Easter Eggs
Buffalo Plaid Bunny Shirt
Shrimp Deviled Eggs
Pressed Flower Paperweight
Sea Turtle Tote
Marbled Easter Eggs
Hibiscus Shirt

Tropical Paper Wreath
Tropical Leaf Painted Rocks
Wax Sealed Eggs
Rolled Flower Wreath
Hello Sign
Paper Mache Clay
Woven Duck Tape Easter Basket
Paper Dahlia
Coffee Filter Flowers
Coffee Filter Flower Wreath
Adorable Bunny Cookies

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