Calligraphy Book Lover Quotes FREE Bookmark Printable: Book Worm Week
Bookmarks for the Book Worm! These 6 bookmarks are brush lettered book lover quotes. The printable is FREE and found at the end of this post. Please share, pin and comment on this post as a thank you and to keep future printables free as well. With a high quality print and lamination for a long lasting bookmark. What's your favorite book?
The prints are perfection, thanks to my new Expression Premium XP-7100 Small-in-One Printer. Affiliate link:This printer is awesome! Are you in the market for a new printer? Check this out and decide if it's right for you! Here's the facts.
Just print off the bookmark printables on heavy cardstock.
Then cut them apart with a cutting chopper.
The bookmarks look great, as is.
Laminate them to help them last forever.
Use a scotch laminator and some lamination sheets to make them sturdy and longer lasting.
I love my laminator! I got it for my birthday 7 years ago. Worth every penny!
Now they are ready to give to fellow book lovers and keep track of whatever you're reading.
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Click for the FREE Bookmark Printables

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