Photo Transfer to Wood using Laser Printer: DIY Tutorial
Transferring a photograph to a block of wood is a fun craft. This temple print works great because there it is not critical to have exact details. If it was a family picture, it would be easy to accidentally remove the details of faces. So start with a landscape or building and then move up to more complicated images.
I took this amazing picture of the Ogden, Utah LDS Temple a couple of years ago and I just love it. I did a high contrast print in black and white for this project. Right click to save off the image, personal use only please. The image needs to be printed with toner on a laser printer. Whatever picture you are using needs to be horizontally flipped so the image will be the correct direction after the process. This photo is already mirrored.
Supplies Needed:
Mod Podge Photo Transfer MediumPaintbrush
Wood board
Mirrored Laser Print
Begin by painting a thick coat of transfer medium all over the wood.
Place the printed image face down on the wood transfer medium. Then press it down firmly and evenly. Place it on a shelf to dry least 24 hours.
After drying for 24 hours set a damp cloth right on top of it and let it sit for 5 minutes.
Then gently using a damp cloth, roll the paper off the surface of the wood.
The idea is to remove the paper without removing the ink.
Work slowly and gently to remove all the paper.
Amazing! This is such a fun technique that you will want to duplicate repeatedly!
Use this technique with color prints too! Great craft to do with a summer camp group. Supplies are cheap and it can be started on the first day of camp and finished the next day!
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