Rock Painting Supplies and Ideas : Perfect for the Beginning Rock Painter
Have you jumped on the rock painting trend? I grew up painting rocks. One of our neighbors had rocks in their parking strip instead of grass and I'd go over and steal their rocks to paint. We lived on the corner of a cul-de-sac and had a picnic table in the front yard under the tree. I remember my mom setting me and my friends up to paint some rocks. I was about 9 or 10 years old. Lots of things in my life have come and gone...but these are 3 of the rocks we painted that day:My mom painted this one with my name on it. It has always been a treasure, but more so after she passed away just 7 years later.
This simple dot flower rock was the first I did. I was so impressed with myself...and you know what? I still love it. It's the rock that really sealed the deal of my love for a solid black background. These dot flowers are simple to make. Just use the back of a paintbrush or pencil eraser to make the 5 petaled flowers.
And check these out: I totally marbled rocks before marbling was cool! I made these 2 rocks in high school...I was 17 or 18 and in my senior year of high 1999. I used metallic acrylic paint and mixed them in a single cup with a couple drops of vegetable oil! I was so cool!
And rock painting is such a fun craft for kids of all ages...and adults! Get as complicated and intricate as you'd like. Just a few supplies needed:
Acrylic craft paint, Spray Gloss, Smooth rocks, and Paintbrushes--or dot makers.
Apple Barrel Acrylic Craft Paint
Folk Art Multi-Surface Paint
Paintbrushes Larger
Folk Art Spray Lacquer
Beautiful Smooth Rocks
Great Beginner Idea: Begin by painting the entire rock a solid color. Let it dry. Then add a name, a dot flower or an array of dotted flowers.
Bundles of rock painting supplies make great gifts too! Wrap up paint, brushes and some spray for the perfect present for a birthday or holiday!
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Here's some other fun Rock Painting ideas:
Painted Rock Photo Holder
Tropical Leaves
Ladybug Painted Rock
Dot Painted Mandala Rocks
Painted Rocks while Camping

Painted Rock Magnets

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