Upcycled Motherboard Jewelry with High Gloss Resin!
Make a geek chic set of jewelry for Back-to-School! Everyone loves to get some new clothes, shoes and backpacks when it's time to head back to school...but what about some geek inspired wearables! Make an upcycled motherboard pendant and earring set to wear or give as a gift to another totally geek chic person! If you have some old computers or electronic parts laying around, this is a perfect craft!SUPPLIES NEEDED: (aff links)
Motherboard or other electronic parts Heavy Duty Scissors Envirotex Lite Pour-On High Gloss Resin Disposable work surface, gloves, mixing cups and stirring sticks E6000 Glue Jewelry Hardware (bails and chain) Painters TapeBegin by using some strong scissors to cut the motherboard pieces into little squares. Cut at least 3 pieces in the desired shapes.
Place painters tape on the backside of the computer piece and tape it gently on a work surface. The tape elevates the piece and lifts it slightly off the work surface, which is important when doing the resin.
Read the directions for the Envirotex Lite Pour-on High Gloss Finish. It comes in 2 bottles, one resin and one hardener. When they are mixed properly they make a clear, super shiny finish.
Mix one part of the resin and one part of the hardener according to the package directions. Mix for 2 minutes, then pour into a second cup and stir for 1 more minute with a new stirring stick. For these 5 pieces I only needed about a 1/2 ounce total. Then pour the resin on the surface of the upcycled motherboard pieces. The resin has amazing surface tension so quite a bit can go on top without spilling off. Let the resin dry and cure overnight.
The next day they are ready to attach to jewelry. The raised resin is shiny and smooth.
Next get out the jewelry hardware; earring hooks, chains, jump-rings, and bails.
The bails need to be attached to the backside of the motherboard pieces with E6000 glue.
Then let the glue dry for at least 4 hours, I let them sit overnight just to be safe.
Add chain and earring hooks to the bails on the earrings.
Then add a chain for the pendant necklace. They are so pretty! I love green and gold together!!!
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