Spring Bouquet Painted Wood Slat Sign
Paint a big, beautiful Spring bouquet for the perfect home decor piece. Great for hanging on the door as a wreath, in the entry way or even to give as the perfect gift.
I'm super allergic to real flowers. I love them and they are gorgeous and bright...but I get body aches, head aches and start to feel like I'm getting the flu when they are in my house. So all things fake flowers are my best friends.
Supplies Needed for Spring Bouquet Wood Sign:
All from Plaid Crafts (last I checked, Plaid was on hold from shipping because of Covid-19...but hopefully soon!)
Step 1: Layout the Wood Cut-outs
Begin by laying out the wood pieces in a pattern you like. Then take a picture of it so you can refer to it later.
Step 2: Paint the Wood
Pick out your favorite colors and finishes. I coated my finished piece with glossy spray, so the finish of the paint doesn't matter.
Start by painting the slat sign a vibrant bright color!
Paint the jar and the other wood cut outs. While the paint was still wet, I went over it with a lighter color to give it some interest.
Same thing with the big mason jar...I used a light blue and then added some more blue like water. Add some yellow dots to the fun flowers.
Step 3: Put it all Together!
Now refer back to your first layout photo and hot glue all the wood pieces in place. I love how it turned out! It's bright and fun--and the perfect way to add a colorful bouquet without the allergies.
That's it!
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