Tie Dye Crafts for Summer!
Tie Dye Shirt Instructions, Totes and Shoes too!
Have you tried Tie Dying? I love it. There's something so fun and Summery about it. Some of my top 10 best posts are tie dye related! Tie dye is simple to do...and even doable with children! I've got tips and tricks on this post here.
It's fun to host parties and invite friends over to tie dye. Perfect craft for a Family Reunion too! Just get a bunch of 100% cotton shirts, a cookie cooling rack, a bucket of warm water...gloves and tie dye kit! Get started planning your Tie Dye event!
100% Cotton Shirts
It's fun to host parties and invite friends over to tie dye. Perfect craft for a Family Reunion too! Just get a bunch of 100% cotton shirts, a cookie cooling rack, a bucket of warm water...gloves and tie dye kit! Get started planning your Tie Dye event!
100% Cotton Shirts
I love using Tulip's One Step Tie Dyes. These kits are perfect for beginners, no guess work involved! Which tie dye project is your favorite?
Tie Dye Party!
Halloween themed Tie Dye!
Galaxy Scarf!
Galaxy Dress!
Bleach Resist Tie Dye Galaxy!
Mermaid Scale Tie Dye Shirt
That's it!
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