Naruto Coach Inspired Shoes with Cricut Iron-on Vinyl
Two of my kids are completely into Naruto. They love watching the million episodes together. They love to cosplay as characters from Naruto and want all the merch. All of it.
Last October I had the opportunity to spend a few hours in New York City. My friends and I walked the streets on a rainy Sunday a mostly empty city. I don't feel like I quite got that "NYC" experience...anyway, we walked past the Coach store windows and what did I see?
Naruto. Coach Naruto Merch. My kids would love this jacket...but with a Coach pricetag, there's no way it'll happen. So I decided to DIY a Coach inspired wearable.
Supplies Needed for Coach Inspired Naruto Shoes:
Shoes (in need of an upgrade)
The Hidden Leaf Village Symbol (right click to save off png below)
Step 1: Clean Shoes
Begin by cleaning off the surface of the shoes. If they are vinyl or similar, use a lint free cloth and some rubbing alcohol. If the shoes are canvas or fabric, use a lint roller or tape to remove debris.
Step 2: Cut the Hidden Leaf Icon
Next, measure the area of the shoe where you'd like the symbol to go. Then cut the Hidden Leaf Village symbols in reverse out of Glitter iron-on vinyl. I did black on black to mimic the Coach jacket.
Weed the iron-on and then cut the symbols apart.
Step 3: Iron-on the Vinyl
Now place the iron-on on the shoe (if it's a canvas shoe, warm it up first with the EasyPress Mini).
Press the top of the iron-on vinyl with the EasyPress Mini...being careful not to touch the metal to the plastic shoe and thus melting it. Use the tip of the EasyPress to trace the symbol and really get all the vinyl to adhere firmly.
Then let the vinyl cool completely and do a "cold peel" of the transfer sheet...rolling it back over itself to remove it.
Step 4: Repeat!
Now repeat the iron-on steps for as many of the symbols as desired. I did one on each toe and then on the heel area.
I did the symbol on the heel facing outwards, so they can be seen more easily by those passing by.
The glitter vinyl is the perfect contrast on these shoes and they have just enough Naruto to please my 16 year old daughter.
Again, repeat the same EasyPress process for the second shoe.
The effect is subtle and sophisticated! I love black on black, super chic...with that hint of Anime that teenagers just cannot get enough of.
These shoes are perfect for walking the streets of New York City, finding all sorts of fun ideas in shop windows! What do you think? Are you into Naruto? Do you know someone that would just love to upgrade their shoes with a little Hidden Leaf?
That's it!
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And this Naruto Akatsuki Cloud Hoodie!
