Pantone Classic Blue Watercolor Galaxy Handmade Cards DIY
Can you believe we are half way through the year? This year, 2020, is one for the books for sure, it's been a big train wreck since day one.Let's take some time to remember the Pantone Color of the Year: Classic Blue.
Blue is my favorite color and I love it in all its shades. I remember thinking of my favorite things on the school bus when I was in Kindergarten. I was gazing out the window, looking at the sky and I knew in my heart that blue was for me.
Supplies Needed for Blue Watercolor Cards:
Tombow Dual Brush Pens (in shades of blue)
Begin by drawing dots and stars all over the watercolor paper with the glue pen. Let the glue dry completely.
Then color the lightest shade of blue diagonally through the paper.
Add the next lightest shade on both sides of the lightest.
The add some darker blue beside the last color.
Then the next darkest. Just scribble color...the water brush will handle the rest.
Again, add a darker shade to the edges.
Finally add some black on the corners.
Next use the waterbrush to blend the colors. Beginning at the lightest blue in the center and working to the outside edges. Then let the paper dry completely.
The little glue dots will resist the ink and shine white like stars in a deep blue galaxy. The other card is done with a similar technique using more white spaces.
Trim the papers down to 4 X 5.25" and mount them on a half sheet of cardstock folded in half. These ones have a 1/8 inch border of black by mounting them on a piece of black cardstock first. Then they are ready to write in and send to a friend!
That's it!
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