How to do Cindy Lou Who Hair Easy Hairstyle Tutorial!
Cindy Lou Who has iconic hair that is perfect for Church Christmas parties, Grinch parties, crazy hair day, New Years, and even Halloween. This cute hairdo will get so much attention everywhere it goes!
It's a quick hair style that anyone can do! This is SUCH a popular post, I'm updating it and posting again for all my readers to enjoy! Let me know if you try this hairdo yourself!
How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite Christmas stories. Ever since I was young, I'd sit on my dad's lap while he read us the book.
Cindy Lou Who is an adorable little Who that lives in Whoville, and celebrates Christmas.
During the story, Cindy Lou gets out of bed while the Grinch is busy stealing their Christmas. He gets her some water and sends her back to bed...and that's it. She shows up at the end for the Who-Feast and singing around the town tree, but she plays a very minor role.
Still, as a child, I loved her!
She has these cute little wires on her head and some bows...and her little mermaid dress is adorable! Pretty simple. Check out this Cindy Lou Who Headband I made to match this version.
The live-action Grinch with Jim Carrey has the Who's play a more leading part in the show.
They are depicted as Christmas loving people that forget the real meaning of Christmas.
Their hair and costumes are over-the-top with bows, braids and all the works! It's a rat race trying to be the most Christmasy. This is where the fun hair comes in--so get some peppermint lip balm on and let's transform into a Who from Whoville!
That over-the-top hair is the funnest! So, since my daughter was young, I loved doing the Cindy Lou Who Hairdo on her for neighborhood or church Christmas parties, it's a great Halloween costume too.
She was so fun to dress up and even sang the "Where are you Christmas" song. Everyone looked forward to seeing her year after year...anticipating her costume and singing.
The outfit for Cindy Lou Who is as simple or complicated as you want it to be. We just found a simple red jersey dress, paired it with striped tights and added a fur collar!
With the right hair, the outfit can be super simple--and it pairs perfectly with an ugly sweater party too!
The first year we tried this fun hairdo was 2009, my daughter was 5 and absolutely loved all the attention she got at the Christmas party.
Her hair was pretty fluffy and light, but it still worked great for the Cindy Lou Who Hairdo. This hair style would be really fun to do with long hair!
The next year we used a tree skirt as a cape, paired with a red dress and striped tights.
She had just had her tonsils out a week prior, so she wasn't feeling the best, but insisted on coming to the church Christmas party and dressing up!
2 years later, since she dressed like Jovie from Elf in between, we went all out and even made the "Cup of cheer" headbands to wear, just like Cindy Lou Who in the Grinch Movie.
The cup and saucer has a candy cane, egg nog and a little gingerbread cookie or some kind of cake mix cookie on top.
We made the tea cup headbands with a kids tea set glued together and a little candy cane made with polymer clay, in more of an open concept...but mod melts would work too!
Add a big flocked vinyl bow on the headband for the perfect finishing touch, or big braids with an additional hair piece added in for thickness.
Check out my full tutorial on making these cute teacup headbands here:
And the last year she dressed up as little Cindy Lou was in 2013.
Her hair was the longest, so it was easy to make it a little more special. She had a big fluffy skirt made with tulle for she fit the fancy fancy room party vibe!
It was such a fun tradition...I wonder if my 20 year old daughter would let me do this again this year...?
Supplies Needed for Cindy Lou Who Hairdo:
- Small Paper Cup (this small drinking size is perfect for short little girl hair)
- Brush
- Small Hair Elastics
Step 1: Center Hair Up
Begin by pulling up the center of the hair, similar to a half up/half down style.
Leave some hair on the sides and the back for braiding later.
Step 2: Split in Half
Now split the section of hair pulled up in half.
Step 3: Paper Cup
Then insert the paper cup in between the split hair. A small drinking cup is perfect for little girl hair...but if you have longer hair, try a bigger or taller cup.
You can also use Styrofoam cones for a pointy top. There's a lot of other fun options once you know the basic technique.
Step 4: Hide Cup
Next, smooth the hair around the cup to hide it completely. If the hair isn't thick enough to hide the cup, gently back comb some hair to add texture and fullness.
Step 5: Elastic Time
Secure the hair tightly around the cup with an elastic.
Step 6: Embellish!
Now is the fun part. Section the remaining hair and braid, then clip up around the base of the cup. Add curls, ribbons, bows, headbands, or anything fun and Christmasy.
That's it!
Enjoy that showstopping Cindy Lou Who Hairdo and all the attention it gets!
Now decorate the Cindy Lou hairstyle!
Some ideas:
- Optic Wands for hair that lights up!
- Hair bows, velvet ribbons, Christmas colored hair clips!
- String Lights from the Dollar Store!
- Glitter and Gel mixed together and combed on the hair!
- Hair Clips painted with liquid leaf for a shimmery craft gold Gold paint!
- Whimsical crochet flowers or detachable collar!
Whoville costumes for a little boy or fast fathers wear stocking hats, beanies or top hats--make it over the top by channeling some mad hatter magic!
It's so much fun to dress up and wear costumes!
I love dressing up and don't even need an occasion...any time in the new new year works for me!
Now you are ready to host a Grinch themed party, wear your hair up like Cindy Lou and get all the attention with your over-the-top festivities!
Win an ugly sweater contest by committing to the full outfit and hair!
Save this post off for Dr. Seuss day and even Crazy Hair day at school!
This Cindy Lou Who Hair tutorial works for a quick and easy Halloween costume too!
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Check out these other fun posts for more inspiration:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Cindy Lou Who Hair & Headband DIY!
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Cindy Lou Who Hair & Headband DIY!
I've done lots of Whoville hairdo's, but hadn't done the original book version of Cindy Lou with the little wires or antlers out of her head.
Get a headband, some pipe cleaners and a couple of satin a hot glue gun and there's still time to make one before your next Christmas party!
How to Make a Grinch Ornament (Easy DIY with Cricut)
Make a darling Grinch inspired ornament, filled with green candy for the perfect finishing touch!
This is great for neighbor or friend gifts, a loving teacher--maybe filled with some cash, or family members.
This cute DIY Grinch ornament takes less than 30 minutes, so it's the perfect Christmas tree decoration or last minute gift!
How to Make Little Bo Peep Hair Bows
10 Dr. Seuss Day Crafts!
I love Dr. Seuss books! When I was little we would borrow them from the library and have my dad read to us at night. I thought that only my dad was smart enough to read the big, silly words.
My favorite book was "The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins". Sadly, it is one of the books I don't have in my collection. I love the "Butter Battle Book" too. I think you can find morals in the stories among all the silliness.
I love to read them to my own kids too. Even as older kids and teens, they love story time.
Here's 10 fun crafts and project to do to celebrate Dr. Seuss day on March 2nd.