1060 Handmade Gift Ideas for Christmas!
Handmade gifts are my jam.
I love making things for gifts.
A handmade gift shows a person that you took the time, thought and foresight to think of them and create something you hoped they would love.
Handmade gifts help you focus on giving to others, rather than the barrage of consumerism around the holidays.
Making handmade is our family tradition and it's so much fun.
They are the gifts we are the most excited to give.
But with homemade gifts, they take TIME.
They can be very budget friendly, but are typically not fast...so you need lots of time ahead to plan for the best handmade gifts.
I have rounded up 1060 handmade gift ideas that I've posted on this blog over the last 15 years.
They range in time, materials and intensity.
Find the ones that work for you! You are sure to find something for everyone on your list!
Which handmade gift idea is your favorite?

Here's 1013 More Handmade Gift Ideas!
That's it!
1,060 Handmade gift ideas!
It's so fun to see the evolution of my crafting...and also my laziness as I've aged!
I look back and think "there's no way I'd make that now!" 😂😂😂
What are you going to make handmade for holiday gifts this year?