Do you ever get the Winter Blues?
Okay, I don't. And although it's not severe,
my husband wishes he could hibernate all winter long.
Thankfully we've been living in a warmer climate zone and
haven't had snow or too much cold to let
Old Man Winter get us down.
I super love the color blue. My fav ever!
These mittens will surely warm you up and brighten your day!
Our little man was born with a couple small fingers.Gloves are hard for him...
So this year, we went with almost can't see a difference.
But we custom made both of his.
Trace hand onto paper.
Give a border of about a half inch all around.

We didn't end up making them this long...but the green ones were a test.

Sew around the mitten (except where the hand hole is)
I kept my presser foot right on the edge of my fleece with the needle in the far left position.

Fleece is awesome, because it doesn't fray!

Now, one of the best days of my thrifting life I scored this
giant bolt of black ELASTIC lace!
Yea, guess how much it cost....that's right 50 cents!!!

I used some of it to tighten up the wrist.

Just zig zag around the inside of the mitten while pulling the elastic slightly.
This way it will fit snug, but not stop circulation.

Perfect! Onto the other side!

So cute and comfy!

Next, the girl needed some!
Same plan.
Trace, cut, sew, elastic, done!
Matches her cute MONSTER HOOD!
Oh yea!

Hopefully that will help you beat some of the winter dulldrums!
You know, January is the most depressing month of the year!
(Not for me, I'm a January Baby!)
(Not for me, I'm a January Baby!)
Linking up to THESE parties this week!