This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of White Cloud for SocialSpark.
All opinions are 100% mine.
Fancy Toilet Paper!
I love to stay in a fancy (well, not super fancy, but fancy for me...) Hotel!
They always have the toilet paper folded and beautiful!
Don't you love that?
Let's talk about toilet paper.
No one really likes the subject...but it's one of those necessary evils.
Since you are literally flushing money down the toilet,
it's important to get a great value for the money.
White Cloud is a premium brand of bath tissue available only at Walmart...
find yours easily with the Store Locator.
A 16 pack of White Cloud is the same as regular price of 12 pack of the competition.
Now, you can get 33% more rolls.
The 2-ply is now stronger and end up needed less, so it'll last longer!
They even have Ultra soft and thick 3-ply...
The new 3-ply is softer and thicker, and the new quilted pattern provides a premium look and feel.
I've never had the luxury of using that...until is all it claims to be! :)
Get a Coupon on Facebook for a free 4-pack of White Cloud’s new and improved
premium 3-ply Ultra Soft & Thick Bath Tissue with the purchase
of any White Cloud Bath Tissue through a high value coupon ($1.97 off)
by sharing the coupon on the social channel of their choice (Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest).
Get a $1 off coupon that you just print right out!
Disclaimer: Limit One (1) Coupon Per Purchase. White Cloud® Bath Tissue is only available at Walmart stores. No facsimiles or reproductions. May not be sold or transferred. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Any other use constitutes fraud. Valid only in USA. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted. Case value 1/100¢.
Now, let's make this premium toilet paper even fancier!
Okay, get your roll of TP...
Tear off one square and reserve for later.
Now to make the pocket.
Fold over the bottom to the right edge to make a triangle,
over the edge about a quarter of an inch.
Then fold the quarter of an inch part behind the paper.
Fold the backside up to even out the triangle's center point.
This creates a triangle shaped pocket on both sides...but we just use the one on top!
Next, get that reserved square of tissue...
And accordion fold the entire thing.
Fold it in half...
And fit it into the triangle pocket you just made!
Easy and looks uper duper fancy!
Now you can have a hotel feel with luxurious 3-ply toilet paper
for a modest "live within your means" budget!
This post published on Doodlecraft first