Meet the Junk-Bots!
My 6 year old son loves to collect "treasures"
Also know as junk. Street trash...hardware, bottlecaps, metal things...
It all ends up in the house in his little pockets.
I decided we needed to give them a purpose!
So we created darling little blocky robots!
The perfect combo of garbage and friendship!
I cut 3 inch blocks of wood from a piece in the scrap pile.
We also got all the treasures in one place.
I collected a few other bits and pieces from the craft supply...
things like binder clips, safety pins, zipper heads...and other metal things.
After deciding which pieces to use...which took a long time and lots of creativity!
Then we hot glued or screwed the pieces right on the blocks!
After playing with them religiously everyday for a couple months...
we've had to re-glue some pieces.
I'd recommend just using E6000 from the start!
He was super proud of his creations.
I love it when he gets into a creative kick!
My daughter did one.
We put a ring back on the backside of it...
So it could be worn as a chunky ring!
(okay, as a joke!)
But the binder clips on the heads...
Make a perfect card or photograph holder too!
This helps them earn their keep!
Using hooks for arms is fun to link them together like a barrel of monkeys!
Super fun for little boys!
A whole clan of Junk-bots!
My 6 year old son loves to collect "treasures"
Also know as junk. Street trash...hardware, bottlecaps, metal things...
It all ends up in the house in his little pockets.
I decided we needed to give them a purpose!
So we created darling little blocky robots!
The perfect combo of garbage and friendship!
I cut 3 inch blocks of wood from a piece in the scrap pile.
We also got all the treasures in one place.
I collected a few other bits and pieces from the craft supply...
things like binder clips, safety pins, zipper heads...and other metal things.
After deciding which pieces to use...which took a long time and lots of creativity!
Then we hot glued or screwed the pieces right on the blocks!
After playing with them religiously everyday for a couple months...
we've had to re-glue some pieces.
I'd recommend just using E6000 from the start!
He was super proud of his creations.
I love it when he gets into a creative kick!
My daughter did one.
We put a ring back on the backside of it...
So it could be worn as a chunky ring!
(okay, as a joke!)
But the binder clips on the heads...
Make a perfect card or photograph holder too!
This helps them earn their keep!
Using hooks for arms is fun to link them together like a barrel of monkeys!
Super fun for little boys!
A whole clan of Junk-bots!
This post published on Doodlecraft first