I received 4 fabulous Flat Tip Hairpin legs from Hairpin Legs for Less!
These are 18" raw steel legs.
As a side note...this is the first project I've done that my husband absolutely loves!These are 18" raw steel legs.
He's super supportive and doesn't mind what I do...but these legs are totally his style too!
But here's the dilemma:
Three roofs come together right at the front door and
with no rain gutters...every time it rains, it makes a waterfall right there!
So, I guess I live behind the waterfall...sounds magical right?
Yah, not so much!
See that mold and mildew...needs a power washer!
But it's made decorating hard...
I decided the best thing to do was to build a custom bench to
make the porch look like it was intended to be that way!
And for that, I needed a killer bench!
Pine boards
Miter saw/Table saw
Liquid Nails
Apple cider vinegar
Steel wool
Hairpin Legs
I used a lot of reclaimed wood for this build...
but some new lumber too.
First I measured and cut the plywood down with the table saw to the right size for the porch.
12 inches deep and 5 feet long.
Next, I pulled out the miter saw I bought at a yard sale for $30 a
whole year ago and still haven't used!
(Brand new these saws range from $100 to $500!)
I know, a year ago! I'm kicking myself...this is the BEST tool ever!
It's super easy to set the cut angle to whatever degree you need.
I set mine at 45* and started cutting!
I decided to set my chevron off center...for sheer aesthetic purposes.
So the top section was 11 inches long, while the bottom pieces were 5.5 inches.
It just took some careful measuring and I was in business!
They come together on 45* angles and the other end is cut at the 45* too!
Until all the pieces fit together.
Then it's just some fancy figuring to get all the little corners and clean edges.
Once in place, I sanded each board.
After all, it's gotta be smooth enough to sit on!
Next...I did a distressing technique on a couple of the boards.
I didn't want them all to look the same.
So I used a little Apple Cider Vinegar and Steel Wool...
And just rubbed down a few boards.
And...they basically just look wet.
But...let them dry completely overnight.
In the morning...look at these speckles!
The distressing is fun and makes them look
weathered...although they are completely smooth!
I love the variation!
Okay, next. Liquid Nails.
Just like putting frosting on a cupcake!
I put the glue on the chevron piece and then fit it into place on the plywood.
Until they are all glued down!
Now to wait and let it dry completely!
Next it's easy to just flip the board over and secure the legs with screws!
{Using the drill I won back in July!}
The bench works great paired with our kitchen table too!
Of course...now I want a new kitchen table with hairpin legs!
And I am sure it will make it's way into
a photo shoot here and there!
It's the perfect size bench!
And makes my porch feel so much jollier for the holidays!
Needs some garland or lights...maybe in a few weeks!
Needs some garland or lights...maybe in a few weeks!
Anyone else have any ideas for decorating a tiny porch?
Check out these fun Hairpin Leg projects too!
Hairpin Leg Table!

This post published on Doodlecraft first