Hello my Lovely Whovians!
I have a special gift for you!!!
This amazing WATERCOLORED TARDIS Printable!
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I printed out my Tardis on scrapbook paper that looks like Newsprint!
(Maybe you could print it on an old book page)
I am thrilled, because all crafters know...we go through adhesives like water!
I've never used a 2 part epoxy before, but it's easy!
For this chunky wood frame I use the wood weld!
It's amazing and has a powerful bond!
I miter cut at 45* angle some old pine boards 2" wide.
I measured my picture...and tried my best.
It's not perfect, but thankfully the epoxy made up for me!
So it's quick setting and 2 part wood epoxy.
That means you have to mix equal amounts of both tubes before the bond activates.
When you mix them, you don't have lots of time...so make sure things are ready!
I used a craft stick to mix it and set my project on some freezer paper,
newspaper or cardboard works too!
Squeeze out equal parts of both tubes...
Then mix them together.
It's the color and consistency of peanut butter!
Then I used the craft stick to smear some on the wood frame...
And squeeze them together.
No clamping necessary!
(see there are some gaps...bad measuring on my part...but the
glue holds it perfectly and even makes up for my bad measuring!)
It dries quick and super strong!
I'm very impressed!
Next I used my router and routed out a notch in the back of the frame to set the picture inside.
Not necessary...you can just mount it to the back with glue.
I used glazier points (like this cork frame tutorial) and a setting tool
(or screwdriver) to hold the picture and cardboard backing in place.
Easy and it looks amazing!
I could paint it or wood burn it...dye it or dress it up...but I love it!
Simple and sweet!
Perfect conclusion for the 12 Days of Doctor Who, right?
Come back tomorrow for a review and another free printable!
This post published on Doodlecraft first