The Pandorica Opens!
Exploding Tardis Painted Purse!
Here's the blah boring before:
And the after, in all it's exploding glory!'s some backstory.
We did a homeschool class for art.
We studied about Vincent Van Gogh. We studied about his life and tragic death.
Then we looked at all his famous paintings.
Next we watched "Vincent and Amy" and "The Pandorica Opens"
And then the painting began.
My kids painted these!
It was fun for them to try to paint with daubs instead of long smooth strokes.
And I was jealous I didn't get to paint one...
So it was my turn.
When I found this old black purse, I knew it was the perfect canvas!
I used chalk to sketch on my lines...they rub off later...
I also used fabric ink paint.
It dries soft.
Mixing cyan and a dot of magenta makes the perfect Tardis Blue!
Ready, set, go!
I painted the blue, then let it dry.
(It's not oil paints, remember...)
Then the yellow!
Then let it dry...
Looks like an exploding chicken!
Then added orange...
And white...letting it dry again!
Then went in and added black lines,
the windows, and some black spots...
Let it dry, and I am completely satisfied!
I sprayed it with a little clear matte finish.
Ta Da!
I love it!
Way steps up a simple black purse!
I love geeking out boring items!
Check out these awesome Whovian heels!
Exploding Tardis Painted Purse!
Here's the blah boring before:
And the after, in all it's exploding glory!'s some backstory.
We did a homeschool class for art.
We studied about Vincent Van Gogh. We studied about his life and tragic death.
Then we looked at all his famous paintings.
Next we watched "Vincent and Amy" and "The Pandorica Opens"
And then the painting began.
Here's the reference from "The Pandorica Opens"

It was fun for them to try to paint with daubs instead of long smooth strokes.
And I was jealous I didn't get to paint one...
So it was my turn.
When I found this old black purse, I knew it was the perfect canvas!
I used chalk to sketch on my lines...they rub off later...
I also used fabric ink paint.
It dries soft.
Mixing cyan and a dot of magenta makes the perfect Tardis Blue!
Ready, set, go!
I painted the blue, then let it dry.
(It's not oil paints, remember...)
Then the yellow!
Then let it dry...
Looks like an exploding chicken!
Then added orange...
And white...letting it dry again!
Then went in and added black lines,
the windows, and some black spots...
Let it dry, and I am completely satisfied!
I sprayed it with a little clear matte finish.
Ta Da!
I love it!
Way steps up a simple black purse!
I love geeking out boring items!
Check out these awesome Whovian heels!