Easy LEGO Fidget Spinner Toy Tutorial with Instructions!
Here's a fun summer kids craft activity!
We spread a big blanket on the ground and then piled all our Lego pieces on it. I told my kids I wanted each of them to build a fidget spinner. It took us a couple hours...lots of sifting and sorting through pieces to find the ones we needed.
Here's what we came up with! They are all a little different.

Here's the instructions to 2 of them.
Starting with the yellow and aqua.
You will need:
(8) 1 by 6 plate (1 by 5's would work too)
(4) 1 by 4 plate
(1) Round 4 by 4 plate with hole
(1) 1x3 Technic axle (slightly smaller than 1 inch)
(2) Flower pieces or similar stoppers
Here's a full tutorial video of the assembling:
It spins so fast the video can't even capture it--you'll just have to take my word for it! I love it!
Place the aqua piece across 2 of the studs on the round plate.
Place all 4 pieces so it has a pinwheel look.
Turn it over.
Place the 1 by 3's on the aqua pieces underneath.
Repeat for all 4 propellers.
Then click the yellow plates on the bottom of the round and on the propellers.
Place one of the flowers on the axle.
Stick it through the hole on the round plate.
Cap the other side with the other flower.
Then enjoy! I spins and glides easily!
It's so fun and spins really fast!
Now this spinner is super simple, but requires a little more complex part.
Dig through those pieces and see if you can find it!
You will need:
(2) 2 by 6 plates
(2) 2 by 2 plates
(1) 2 by 2 with wheel axle attached.
This one is easy to stack and sandwich together.
Start with the white piece, stack the axle in the center and the blacks on either side.
Then top off with the teal. Done!
Spins like perfection!
If you have an axle piece, it's super simple for even very small kids!
We had hours of fun building and making spinners!
This would be a great party favor or craft for kids!
Awesome, right!?
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Check out these fun DIY spinners too!
2 Pronged Lego Fidget Spinner
from Creative Green Living

Recycled Crafts Fidget Spinner

And another fun Lego Spinner
from Frugal Fun 4 Boys
Here's a fun summer kids craft activity!
We spread a big blanket on the ground and then piled all our Lego pieces on it. I told my kids I wanted each of them to build a fidget spinner. It took us a couple hours...lots of sifting and sorting through pieces to find the ones we needed.
Here's what we came up with! They are all a little different.
Here's the instructions to 2 of them.
Starting with the yellow and aqua.
You will need:
(8) 1 by 6 plate (1 by 5's would work too)
(4) 1 by 4 plate
(1) Round 4 by 4 plate with hole
(1) 1x3 Technic axle (slightly smaller than 1 inch)
(2) Flower pieces or similar stoppers
Here's a full tutorial video of the assembling:
It spins so fast the video can't even capture it--you'll just have to take my word for it! I love it!
Place the aqua piece across 2 of the studs on the round plate.
Place all 4 pieces so it has a pinwheel look.
Turn it over.
Place the 1 by 3's on the aqua pieces underneath.
Repeat for all 4 propellers.
Then click the yellow plates on the bottom of the round and on the propellers.
Place one of the flowers on the axle.
Stick it through the hole on the round plate.
Cap the other side with the other flower.
Then enjoy! I spins and glides easily!
It's so fun and spins really fast!
Now this spinner is super simple, but requires a little more complex part.
Dig through those pieces and see if you can find it!
You will need:
(2) 2 by 6 plates
(2) 2 by 2 plates
(1) 2 by 2 with wheel axle attached.
This one is easy to stack and sandwich together.
Start with the white piece, stack the axle in the center and the blacks on either side.
Then top off with the teal. Done!
Spins like perfection!
If you have an axle piece, it's super simple for even very small kids!
We had hours of fun building and making spinners!
This would be a great party favor or craft for kids!
Awesome, right!?
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Check out these fun DIY spinners too!
2 Pronged Lego Fidget Spinner
from Creative Green Living

Recycled Crafts Fidget Spinner
And another fun Lego Spinner
from Frugal Fun 4 Boys
This post published on Doodlecraft first