DVD Mosaic High Gloss Resin Tray
I love the reflective shine of a DVD. I have been fascinated by them since I was in 9th grade and my dad bought a computer with a CD rom.
Isn't this mosaic tray incredible! It's so shiny and sparkly!
If mixed properly, High Gloss resin is food safe, so this tray is perfect for decor or serving!
Supplies Needed for DVD Tray:
- Tray (mine is 8 by 18 inches)
- DVD's (I used 9 or 10)
- Hot Glue/gun
- Envirotex Lite High Gloss
- Scissors
Step 1: Cut DVD's
Start by cutting your DVD's in half with some strong scissors or clippers.
DVD's have 2 layers with the metallic foil in between the layers. Gently pry them apart with your fingers.
Then cut the halves so they are in little pieces with the shiny rainbow metallic side up. Try not to touch the shiny metallic surface as it will leave finger prints.
Step 2: Hot Glue
Then hot glue each piece on the inside of the tray. Cut pieces to fill spaces.
It takes a lot more DVD's than you think it will take. I had my kids guess how many disks I used and they guessed 3. I used 9 for my 18 by 8" tray.
The empty spaces between the tiles look like grout, so try to keep a uniform spacing around all the little "tiles".
Step 3: Resin Pour!
Now, I head out to the garage, but go somewhere that will be undisturbed for 24 hours.
You will need the EnviroTex Lite High Gloss Finish.
I used 8 oz.
Read the directions carefully and follow it exactly. This is a one to one ratio.
It needs to be mixed in one cup for 2 minutes and then poured into a second cup with a different stirring stick and then mixed for another minute.
Then pour the high gloss in the tray. Gently move the tray around so the resin fills the base of the tray all the way to the corners.
Instantly there are bubbles forming. Cover with a board and wait 20 minutes.
Cover with the board again to prevent dust from settling on the surface of the resin. Then wait 24 hours. This is the hard part.
My tray has about a 1/4" thick glossy resin coating all the tile pieces. Nothing but a smooth, wonderful texture--and so shiny! Be careful walking outside with this blinding piece!
That's it!
Isn't it just the best?
I know, I love it! Perfect for the entry table as a catch all. Great for serving meals on. Perfect for home decor!
Have I convinced you to try it? Let me know in the comments if you've given this resin project a try!
